
Here’s a selection of projects we’ve realised by ourselves or in cooperation with others.

Dolfijnenhuis Kampen | dolfijnenhuis.nl
Care, connection and a home for people with a mild intellectual disability.

Jolanda Doornbos | jolandadoornbos.nl
Writer of the book Beperkt Volmaakt

Veilig Thuis IJsselland | vtij.nl
Advice and reporting point for domestic violence

Willekes Wholesale | ghwillekes.nl

Enduro Portugal | enduro-portugal.com
Enduro Algarve Portugal

Pure Aquatic | pureaquatic.com
Pure Aquatic Republic of Maldives

EXTRA Group | extragroep.nl

Kinga Ban | kingaban.nl

Trinity Wereldwijs | trinitywereldwijs.nl
A new branch of the Trinity tree

EXTRA Klusservice | extraklusservice.nl
Allround construction service agency

Living Lodge | living-lodge.com
Surf Beach Resort in Portugal

De Deur Zwolle | dedeurzwolle.nl
Evangelical church

MafeeMushkil | mafeemushkil.com
Decorative lights and lamps

Mueller-Kueps LP | mueller-kueps.com
Automotive tools and equipment

Rijschool Poolster | rijschoolpoolster.nl
Driving lessons and courses in Lelystad

Middernachtsroep | middernachtsroep.nl
Missionary work in Doorn

De Kleine Kunst | dekleinekunst.nl
Child care center in Ommen

Mikomax Furniture | mikomaxfurniture.nl
Mikomax office furniture

Trinity | bandtrinity.com
Official website of Trinity Music

Ruth Jacott | ruthjacott.nl
Official website of Ruth Jacott

Baas over je burn-out | baasoverjeburnout.nl
CGMV trade union

Bouwhuis Parket | bouwhuisparket.nl
Wooden floor specialist

Vanda Carpets | vandacarpets.nl
Carpet and doormat specialist

Jongerenklooster | jongerenklooster.nl
A location in Diepenveen where you’ll find rest

Zit sta bureau | zitstabureau.org
Office furniture

CB Bewind | cbbewind.nl
Expert, personal and committed administrators

Restment | restment.com
Security management and consultancy

Bureau VIER-V | vierv.nl
Relationship therapy, coaching, supervision and learning therapy

ReValVal | revalval.com
Missionary organisation

Caprice Training | caprice.training
Commercial and communication courses

Schildersbedrijf Groen | schildersbedrijfgroen.net
Indoor and outdoor painter

Coaching4Change | coaching4change.nl
Coaching agency

Foto Semeins | fotosemeins.nl
Online camera shop

XtremeLimo | xtremelimo.nl
Limousine rental agency

Ma d’r Lief | gobmadrlief.nl
Childminder agency

Modulaire Bank | modulairebank.nl
Modular seats and sofas

TPP Bos – Van den Berg | tppbosvandenberg.nl
Dental prosthetic practice

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