Has someone attacked your website and is it no longer up and running? Has your webshop been compromised and are you losing customers?
Does Google warn that your website “may have been hacked”? Has your hosting provider given you a warning that there is suspicious content on your website and has it been taken offline? Of course you want this issue solved now.
Web Affinity is an expert on identifying and isolating unsafe and unreliable content. Once the malicious code has been detected and uncovered, we will remove it and provide important tips and recommendations for the future. After all, prevention is better than cure*. Fill out the form below and we will get back to you quickly.
* No one can guarantee that a website won’t or can’t be hacked. However, we can reduce the risk considerably. In February 2017, more than 17 million hacking attempts took place worldwide. If you need hosting being able to withstand that, you’ve come to the right place. The server we use, is checked 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Backups are made automatically and any suspicious leak is automatically closed.